Work Experience

Amir Pourkhalaji امیر پورخلجی

• Founder and Manager of “Melal Music School” (2012 – present)
• Collaboration with several orchestras (as Composer and Conductor) such as Prague Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, Rousse Philharmonic Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, Tehran Symphony Orchestra (2009 – present)
• Guest conductor, Prague Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra (Czech Republic – October 2016)
• University guest lecturer (Film Scoring), Tehran University of Art, Faculty of Cinema and Theater (2016)
• Ballet “Arash the Archer” Tirgan festival, Toronto, Canada (August 2015)
• University lecturer (Harmony, Composition, Viola, Ensemble), Tehran University of Art, Faculty of Music (2010 – 2014)
• Supervision of several projects and Master thesis, Tehran University of Art, Faculty of Music (2010 – 2014)
• Referee of “MA” and “BA” thesis and projects in Tehran University of Art, Faculty of Music (2010 – 2014)
• Violin and Viola teacher, Tehran Conservatory of Music (2010 – 2011)
Guest conductor, Rousse Philharmonic Orchestra (Bulgaria – July 2011)
• Principal Viola, Tehran Symphony Orchestra (2008)